Gotta give props to the wonderful state troopers along I-70 in Kansas. Driving from Salina, KS to Blue Springs, MO today when up ahead I see a police car with his lights flashing. I was driving in the left hand lane and the cop car was in the median in front of me. So, naturally, I move into the right lane, since that is what you are supposed to do according to the law. Once in the right hand lane, I am driving directly behind a minivan, but not tailgating him. As I drive past the police car, I notice there is another police car sitting along the median without its lights flashing. As I went by, I looked in my mirror and watched the second cop car pull out onto the freeway and start speeding in my direction. Next thing I know he has pulled behind me and has turned on his lights.
Now I'm sitting along the side of the road trying to figure out why this cop pulled me over. The officer comes to the window and says "I pulled you over because you were following too close behind the car in front of you." (SAY WHAT?) Got off with a warning on this. However...
After taking two steps away, the officer suddenly turns around and asks "Do you mind if I ask you a couple more questions?" He then goes on to ask my brother Geoff and I how long we had lived in Arizona (since Geoff had an AZ drivers license and I have AZ tags on my car). After giving a response, he then went on to say "We have had a lot of drug trafficing through here from that part of the country. Do you have any drugs in the car?" We both quickly responded in the negative to which the trooper asks "Do you mind if we search the car?"
Geoff and I are then asked to step out of the car along the side of the freeway. As soon as Geoff gets out, the officer asked him if he was carrying any knives or guns and then proceeded to pat him down, making him remove all the items out of his pockets. Once finished with the pat down, Geoff was ordered to stand about 20 feet away from the car while the officer started searching through the car. I struck up a conversation with the other officer, while still standing right next to the car, and shot the breeze with him until his partner was finished. Geoff was then allowed to come back to the car and we were told to drive safe and have a nice day.
Oh, you gotta love the state troopers!
Snow Fun
8 years ago
That Crazy!!
Seems to me that something like that happened on Scott AFB quite a few years back...something about a van and another vehicle looking suspicious....
So funny! I can just see it!
So... I hear you are moving to Thailand to teach English...when did you decide this? I am so excited for you!
I swear that stuff only happens to you, Laef. I guess you just have a suspicious face. But not as suspicious as your brother I guess. LOL.
woa that is crazy!
So I was blog stocking and found you on the Briggs sit, I haven't talk to you inforever and what a way to caught up, nice car by the way!
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